Terms & Conditions

Our Aims

The aims of this web site are to:

*   provide information about Adult Education

*   provide the facility to enrol and confirm a place online

*   promote Barking & Dagenham, the Council and its services


Barking and Dagenham, which is responsible for this site, endeavors to provide up-to-date and accurate information. However, the Council disclaims any responsibility for the currency and accuracy of information, which is supplied to its website by information providers who are, in many cases, external to Barking and Dagenham.
This website is made available for public viewing on the basis that Barking and Dagenham excludes, to the extent permitted by law, all liability for any loss or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon, information contained within this website.

Information use

It is only when you complete a form that requests personal information or when you email the Adult College that you can be identified. The information provided is protected under the Data Protection agreement with the managed service provider. When completing forms you may be asked for a variety of personal information such as name, address, postcode etc. Where you voluntarily choose to give us your personal details, that data – within the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 – will be used exclusively for providing you with the information or service you have requested. If there is a need to share your personal information with any other system or third party, consent for us to do this will be requested at the point of data collection.
Barking and Dagenham automatically receives and records information from your browser in server logs. The Council monitors the IP addresses of visitors only to assess which pages are the most popular. These IP addresses are not linked to any personal data, so all visitors to our site remain by default anonymous.


You can visit our site and use the majority of its services without telling us who you are or giving us any person-identifying information.
‘Cookies’ are pieces of data that are often created when you visit web sites, and which are stored in the cookie directory of your computer. The Adult College does not use cookies for the general running of the site. However, cookies may be used on some interactive pages to provide additional functionality or, when it is absolutely necessary, to maintain the unique identification of your browser while you use those pages.


Logos and Artwork
The logos and artwork on the Adult College of Barking and Dagenham website are the copyright of its information providers, and use of them is strictly prohibited without prior authorisation.

Any use of text provided by the Adult College of Barking and Dagenham is allowed within the Fair Dealing terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, i.e. for research and private purposes. If the text is changed in any way, resulting documents cannot be credited to Barking and Dagenham.

Telephone: 020 8270 4722 Email: adultcollegeenquiries@lbbd.gov.uk

Learner proof of status message
The proof of status message appears when a course is placed in the basket and the learner is entitled to some sort of concession

If you are eligible for concessionary fees because you have stated that you are on active benefit you are requested to take the original paperwork showing your entitlement to the Adult College within 7 days of enrolling online. This proof can be an award notice, letter of entitlement to benefit or a certificate from the Benefits Agency showing that you are currently in receipt of benefit.  This must be dated within the last 3 months. If you have any queries about this please contact the Centre or telephone 020 8270 4722 or email adultcollegeenquiries@lbbd.gov.uk.

You have the right to cancel this enrolment within 14 days. If you wish to do so please address a written cancellation request to The Adult College of Barking & Dagenham, 127 Ripple Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 7PB.  There is a £22 administration fee for all cancelations.

If you have a learning difficulty or disability and you would like to discuss how we can support your learning, please contact our Student Services Team (adultcollegeenquiries@lbbd.gov.uk), or telephone 020 8270 4722.

If you have applied for a concession fee or for the fee to be discounted through your benefits (JSA, ESA, income support, housing benefit, universal credit or council tax benefit); you will need to bring proof of these to one of our centers Ripple Road or Dagenham. You will also need to declare that you are actively looking to enter into employment. This proof would consist of a letter from the benefits office, dated within three months prior to your enrolment. If your letter is out of date, please bring your most recent bank statement alongside your letter.

Please note that we will be checking the eligibility of every online enrolment we receive. This proof is required before the start date of your course.

If it comes to light upon your attendance at the college that you are not in receipt of the stated benefits and you are not currently looking to enter employment, you will be removed from the course.


We value the diversity of our learners and believe every individual has the right to be treated fairly, with respect and according to their needs whatever their religion, race, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability.

We are committed to removing any barriers to your success in the college and for everyone to have the knowledge, understanding and confidence to challenge and overcome prejudice.


Disability or impairment should not be a barrier to following a course at the Adult College. The College seeks to achieve the objectives set down in the Equality Act 2010.

We are committed to undertaking initial assessments of learners’ learning needs and the provision of extra support where necessary. Additionally the College has a number of specialist tutors to support learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.

The College has recently undergone a refurbishment programme and all buildings and facilities are equipped with the appropriate resources to ensure compliance with DDA.

The Student Access Facilitator, may be able to help you if you have an impairment or a particular health need. If you wish to discuss any needs you may have, please phone 020 8270 4722 and ask for student services.

Please indicate on section 2 of the enrolment form if you have a disability or learning need so that we can port you on your course.

The Barking & Dagenham Adult & Community Learning Service welcomes all adults who want to learn in our classes, whatever their ability. We will try to treat you as an individual and to give you the help you need. We try to make reasonable changes so you can learn in our classes.

Please ask at the Centre Office if you would like to see the full Disability Statement or Policy or if you would like information about special equipment and help available.

Data Protection Act 1998

In accordance with our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act, you should be aware that the personal information you choose to provide will not be passed to any person or organisation outside Barking and Dagenham council (unless we have your consent, or where we have a legal obligation or have the statutory powers to do so). However, will be held by relevant staff in the service area relevant to your comments.

The Adult College will not sell or rent your personal information to anyone.
The Adult College enrolment website has security measures in place to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under its control.

It will be understood by The Adult College that, in providing personal information, you agree to its use by The Adult College under these conditions and to the extent described in this and succeeding clauses of this Disclaimer.

How We Use Your Personal Information

The Greater London Authority (GLA) is London’s regional government. The Mayor of London provides Citywide leadership, and the London Assembly is a watchdog for London responsible for holding the Mayor and his advisers to public account, Find out more about what we do and who we work at www.london.gov.uk.

The Mayor of London is responsible for the Adult Education Budget (AEB) in London and the funding provided for your course. This
funding is being used to ‘match fund’ a European Social Fund (ESF) programme for residents in Greater London.

The majority of the information provided by you in this Enrolment Form is collected by Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) under its privacy notice (see below). This information is shared with the GLA, which operates as a data controller of your personal data under relevant data protection law. The GLA is required to process your personal data to enable it to carry out its functions and statutory
responsibilities including reporting to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) on the ‘match funding’ of ESF programmes. In addition, the GLA collects some supplementary information to comply with ESF requirements, for which the DWP is the data controller.

Information about use of and access to your personal data held by the GLA, details of organisations with whom the GLA regularly share data, information about how long the GLA retain your data, and how to exercise your rights is set out in the GLA AEB Procured Privacy Notice (https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2019-07-30 aeb procured privacy notice.pdf)

The ESFA’s Privacy Notice

The ESFA has issued this privacy notice, on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE). It is to inform learners how their personal information will be used by the DfE, the ESFA (an executive agency of the DFE) and any successor bodies to these
organisations. For the purposes of relevant data protection legislation, the DfE is the data controller for personal data processed by the ESFA. Your personal information is used by the DFE to exercise its functions and to meet its statutory responsibilities, including under the
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 and to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN) and a personal learning record (PLR). Your information will be securely destroyed after it is no longer required for these purposes. Your information may be used for education, training, employment and well-being related purposes, including for research.

The DfE and the English ESF Managing Authority (or agents acting on their behalf) may contact you in order for them to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. Your information may also be shared with other third parties for the above purposes, but only where the law allows it and the sharing is in compliance with data protection legislation.

College Privacy Statement

The Service is committed to keeping your personal data safe and will act within the legislation regarding data protection (General Data Protection Regulations). The data collected in this form is used to process your application to the Adult College and for any other legitimate reasons such as compliance with relevant legislation.

All data will be stored securely and retained in line with LBBD and Funding Agencies Data Protection Policies.